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Immersive Mining Technology Communications


We were excited to work with GDMS a mining software company to support the relaunch of their verbal identity and and establish a position for their technology brand in a global marketplace.

The Scope

Marketing StrategyMessaging StrategySEO Copywriting
The Situation

In late 2022, immersive technology company GDMS was looking to position itself as a compelling software offering in the tailings management space. The complexity of their offering was presenting a challenge, obfuscating the innovative solution they had created. In the wake of a new brand launch with design house Four Stripes, Gilligan Group was approached to set the message straight.

Our Approach

Our initial focus was getting to terms with the nature of GDMS’ offering. We achieved this over several focus groups to develop an intimate understanding of how water is the crux of any successful mining operation and built a deep knowledge of the unique applications of the geoscience data management system and its 3D tailings management and compliance features.

We delivered a messaging framework, an important document for both internal and external stakeholders, that addressed each of the client’s value propositions in the context of its target audiences.

Our new strapline – Integrity First – addressed not only the asset integrity, but also the integrity of the executives responsible for signing off disclosures and performance reports.

Our marketing strategy activated:

  • New company messaging
  • Taglines for new visual identity
  • A pathway for future communication strategies
  • SEO copywriting
  • Opportunities for new channels of marketing
Next Steps

In early 2023 we will continue to support an ongoing communications plan to open doors to new clients and revenue streams. We loved every minute with founder Mitch Hanger, an industry innovator. We look forward to GDMS cementing their offering in the global mining industry, educating mine operators on how immersive TSF software is the optimal solution for complete water management, GISTM compliance and integrity.

Gilligan Group has really transformed my impression of ‘what is possible’ with a marketing group that is able to grasp the true essence of your business purpose.

In the past, I hadn’t been able to find a marketing team capable of tackling a topic like tailings storage facility management, let alone correlating our technology applications to distinct industry challenges. GDMS now has a verbal identity that distinguishes us in the geoscience data software marketplace, with a level of intrigue to get people talking.

We are confident that with Gilligan Group driving our public relations and corporate communications we will continue to identify growth opportunities and success in our business. We highly recommend them to anyone looking for a partner to elevate their marketing efforts.

Mitch Hanger
Managing Director and Principal, GDMS

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